Monday, September 17, 2012

Reason For Concern...

I am very concerned about the fate of public life and rightfully so.  We now live in a world where Snooki's baby is more news worthy than the Presidential race or the countless issues our nation is dealing with.  I understand that news stations are only reporting out on what its viewers want, but what point did we become so out of touch with caring about issues that will affect our lives and our children's lives and instead caring about the Mr. Lohan's legal troubles.  Rational debate has now been replaced with debating on which celebrity's outfit looked the best.   It's time that credible media outlets get back to reporting out on what really matters in this country as we depend on you to provide us with knowledge and accurate facts instead of wasting our time with nonsense.  The fate of public life has been deteriorating and there is a great deal of blame to go around.

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