Monday, September 24, 2012

News Makeover

Since the mainstream media is already flooded with reality makeover/improvement shows and it seems that people enjoy watching programs that improve the appearance of either an individual or other entity that has not kept up with the times, now would be a great time to change the appearance of something that really needs it.....the News.  Now by news, I am not talking about CNN, Fox News, or any of the cable channels, I'm talking about the major network news programs that everyone with a television has access to.  Many Americans don't have the free time needed to research the various media outlets and understand the issues affecting them while others cannot afford cable or the internet that provides access to this educational information, so these news programs provide an outlet for them to be caught up to speed with what is going on around them.  The media needs to take advantage of this space and use the small amount of time in front of this public space wisely. Instead, using this morning's news as an example, viewers were reminded that there were more murders in the city during the middle of the night with no suspects, there was segment where a reporter spoke with the CEO of Lamborghini regarding cars that 98% of the viewers can't afford in their lifetime, and listened to opinions about who the best dressed celebrities at the Emmy's were.

Did this news program teach me anything new or provide me with facts that would challenge me to think and perhaps engage in a debate with my peers about major events taking place in America today?  Absolutely not.  Now in fairness, they did provide a brief segment about upcoming Presidential election with a quick recap of the recent speeches during which the news anchor spoke over what the candidate was saying before heading to a commercial break.  And leading into commercial right they made mention that Obama Administration would be releasing a series of media spots this week criticizing Romney's statements in recent interviews but that was it.  It's sad to think with all the issues that America is facing today, the major media news outlet I watched felt that conversations about Sofia Vergara's dress should be alotted more time than providing facts about the upcoming election.

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